Three bags of snacks are sitting on a wooden table.

A Premium Brand!

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Snacks for Everyone!

Central Snacks are manufacturers of the  best-tasting pork skins on the market today! 

We have always believed this and our customer feedback has proven us correct.

Not only are our skins the best-tasting product on the shelf, it also has documented health benefits with its low-carb content — popular among our customers on the Atkins Diet.

Our pork skins are processed to get the maximum pop from its pellets.

At Central Snacks, we have a patent BBQ and Hot seasoning blend that's different from any other brand.

A Premium Taste!

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A Premium Company!

A white background with a few lines on it

Our clients say

Testimonials from our Satisfied Customers
On a recent trip to the beach, I got a bag of Hot Bar-B-Q Flavored pork skins from a vending machine at the motel. Of all the pork skins I have had, those are no doubt the best ones that my family and I have had. We cleaned the machine out before we left. Please tell us where we can 
get these at a place close to our home.

Thanks, K. Gregg, Tuscaloosa, AL

Your Dixon's/Central Pork Skins are the best I have eaten. The company I work for had them in the vending machine. I would like to know where I can purchase your Dixon's/Central Pork Skins. I have never written a food company about their products. You are the first one.

Thank you, Richard, Winston-Salem

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"Best Tasting Pork Skins on the shelf"

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